About toxic people
If you’re hanging around with people who have a harmful beliefs system and a negative approach to life, you're fucked....and I'll tell you why.
Someone, much wiser than me once said “You’re the average of five people who you spend the most of your time with”........I would add “Amen to that ”.
I’m sure they are not bad men and women. I’m quite sure they don’t want to influence you with their beliefs or with their “be realistic” when you talk about your dreams. I’m sure your parents wanted the best for you when they encouraged you as a kid to go for the better, more secure jobs, in a big company, if you’re lucky. I’m sure your teacher wanted you to be successful, talking about your future colleges and the great opportunities that follow up.
Yes, there are some people who truly don’t want you to be successful, financially in particular, because that would be the proof to them that it's not possible. They just want you to play small, like them.
You have no idea how many times people found my business ideas just ridiculous, how many times they'd say “you cannot be serious ” when I talked to them about my project to travel the world on a motorbike. For them, everything was just too difficult, or even impossible.
They would use the same old cliches over and over again “You must have lots of money to make money.” “it's too risky." “You must have some contacts to be rich.” and “You're not avid, you can’t be rich.” They were professional enough in explaining how foolish my business ideas were..
In order for my project to travelling full time, alone, on a dirty bike they ridiculed my dream and said “how can you stay such long periods away from your sons?” and “come down from the stars” and my favourite ever “don’t do it, it's too dangerous”.
People, most of the time, subconsciously influence you.
But I can assure you without any doubt, that certain people in your life are totally toxic and you should cut off any contact with them completely. Even if they're your parents, your brother or your so-called best friend. Cut them off!
They're dangerous. Their life is a complete routine between fear, doubt and uncertainty. They infect you with their poor vision. They're often adorable people and they act with the best of intentions and well-being but they're just dragging you down with their misery. They have been programmed for mediocrisy, to have an average life, to not take risks, to not be a critical thinker. In a simple word, to be conformed. The fact that you can be successful (in my case being financial free and a full time traveller) is a pain for them.
Cut off the toxic people from your life, immediately.....that's the best gift you can give to yourself and your future.