The Brave Biker

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You are your habits

A prosperous life isn’t created overnight, the secrets are your daily habits. Yes, just daily habits. Your diet, exercise routine, the quality of your sleep, self-development time, etc. – are the building blocks of your health, success and prosperity. And if you want to be happy, really happy, you should pay attention on that.
Daily habits are the foundational element of the success of your life. As a full time traveler, I live on my bike but my focus is always on my habits, because I hate bad surprises, in any area of my life. I’m strongly convinced that I’m living the life of my dreams because I keep the focus on positive, empowering habits.
If you make a habit of exercising, eating healthily food, drinking tons of water on a regular basis, better health is the result.
If you make a habit of reading, listening motivating podcast, spending time with successful people, success is the result.
If you make a habit of treating people with respect, empathy, and caring, much better relationships are the result.
You don’t actually create a successful life, you just choose the right daily habits and they create it. It’s simple. I learned it the hard way. So, if you have some limiting habits, start eliminating it one by one, and replace them with positive, empowering ones.

If I had to choose one keystone habit, that one big domino that knocks down all the others, it's getting up early. I can tap into the best part of myself that is committed to my vision & goals, which spring from my values. What's truly important to me.
It also allows for a solid hour to complete my morning routine, the primary purpose of which is to cultivate a positive mindset. I program myself to be who I want to be and achieve what I want to achieve.

Changing or improving your habits will bring you to become the person you want to be. So, why not choose to become a healthy, interesting, fascinating, curious, joyful, sexy, harmonious, wealthy, successful, spiritual, adventurous, friendly, talented, happy one?