The Brave Biker

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Let's talk about money

There are 3 subjects topics that seam to be a taboo in our society, they are Religion, Sex, Money. It seams that people talk about everything but not sex, religion or money. Why? Because we have built a strong belief that these topic are something to keep personal. You probably have been educated to believe certain things about sex and sexuality, religions, money that are completely false. And it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that when you have erroneous beliefs about important things, they prevent you from creating the life you desire. Today we talk about money, something always useful if you won’t die tomorrow.

I’ve travelled in 72 countries, have met thousands of people and this stuff is pretty the same: Religion, Sex and money are taboos.

Family, government, school told you that rich people are evil, greed, they cheat on taxes, etc.. Maybe you remember some old says like “money can’t buy happiness” or “we are poor but at leas er are honest”; the environments in which we grew up are steeped in this nonsense.
As a result, it creates a lot of negative and erroneous beliefs, most of these emotionally-charged beliefs are based upon centuries-old stereotypes and superstitions. And people act the victims role sabotaging themselves and prevent them to be healthy, wealthy and happy.

So, the point is: if you want to be financial free, you first have to break these self-limiting beliefs. Otherwise you will keep sabotaging yourself and prevent you to live the life of your dream. It's amazing how the way you think about yourself changes the way you think about the world. You begin to understand that the only way to change the world is to change yourself.

I was asked hundreds times how I can afford to be a full time traveler without working and my answer is all the same: “I am financial free, living by passive income”, at this point I feel on me the inquisitive eyes of those who don't have the faintest idea of what I'm talking about. Guys, let me be clear with the next sentence:

If you have to do something to make money, you have a job. If you earn money while sleeping, then you have a business. So, my advise is to focus on build a business, not looking for a high salary. Monthly wage is a trap.

You can’t build a business overnight, but you can change yourself. To change yourself, you have to start from your thoughts, that leads you to change your approach to the life, then you change your behaviour and then you change your circumstances… and then you manifest prosperity in all areas of our life: relationships, health, finance, sexuality, and overall success.

So, change yourself first and then.. I strongly recommend to consider of build a business, not to find a job. There are plenty of books on it and you can find enormous amount of informations online, just start. The main point is “do not work for money, make money works for you”, that’s the only way to be financial free and travel full time.