The Brave Biker

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New projects

I’m writing this post from the seat 9B on the flight that is taking me from Casablanca to Venice, Italy. I’ve spent the last months in Morocco travelling like crazy as I’m in love with this country and the last week in Casablanca, I had the time to fix some priorities and to work on my next project. I live between one expedition and another and sometimes I need to stop and focus on sharpen the blade. So, here my next project:

The book
I started writing a book with a collection of my experiences on the road and some lessons I gave from the life, not only on traveling but also in business, relationships, friendships etc. My goal, as usual, is to inspire my audience to live a free, rich, brave and full life.

Next Expedition
I’m going to travel in Europe till October then, from November I will move to A) South America B) Africa, that’s depend a lot on the situation world-wide with this F*****g virus. The new 1290 Super ADV S is waiting for me, ready for the next trip and in few weeks I’ll be on the road again.

Tackle my Clutter
What is enough? Enough is a very personal metric. I am a minimalist person, I travel most of my time but, by nature, we all tend to collect stuff, and in a such way I am not different. I realised I have too many T-shirts, shoes, a car I don’t use, too many bikes in the garage, 3 bicycles, 16 helmets and a couple of cabinets full of motorcycle gear.. So, from time to time, I do the “spring cleaning”. But this time I do strongly. I sell everything, everything. I will just keep the very essential.

Stay on the list
I realised I’m late on my list, so I want to put some checks on it this year. I wrote that list 20 years ago and it’s still my lighthouse. You have a bucket list?