How much time do you spend on social media every day?
We live in the era of distractions and social media nowadays have a devastating impact on our lives. Certainly they also have some importance and allow us to share some moments of our life with friends and followers. In my case, the opportunity of inspiring people to travel, to embrace adventure and to seek their limits.
But I'd like you to ask yourself: do I really need what I'm doing on social media? Does it serve for my personal growth or to be somehow an inspiration for others?
20 min
This is my daily allowance on Instagram. Average 20 minutes a day, I check it weekly. Some days I spend 30, some 5, some zero. But the average have to be no more than 20 minutes a day. It’s absolutely enough to share stories, prepare posts and keep my audience updated on my journey.. and have some fun of course.
I strongly recommend to fix your allowance and strictly respect it.
Your time matter, do not abuse of it.
Let me be direct, if you spend more than an hour a day on social media and your income is less than $ 100,000 , you are wasting time on useless activities and/or using a losing time-management strategy and you should change it asap. Sharing non-stop stories and pictures of your very best moment won't make you cooler, it only serves to feed your ego. But at the end of the year, draw a line and mark your net result. What have you gained from it?
Are you richer? Are you happier? Are you fitter?
Take the liberty to lie to me, but not to yourself.
I advise you to use social media sparingly and save your time for the things that really matter because in a very short time you will realize that you have wasted so much energy just for the sake of looking like what you are not.