Live with less and enjoy it


We want to lose weight, we buy weight loss books, workout equipment, supplements.
We want to travel, we buy a suitcase, a travel pillow, the perfect carry-on luggage.
We want to start meditating, we might get a meditation mat.

That’s insane.

Adding these things to our lives brings problems, not just solutions. We should consider, rather than adding, subtracting. We should say no to bullshit and say yes to life.

People sometimes look at me quizzically when I proclaim that I don’t need more stuff, and that I’m constantly getting rid of what I do have.
What kind of weirdo is this? Why would you want less stuff?

Because less is better.

Less means you worry less. You need less storage. You search for things less. You are less bogged down by clutter. Less means you’re lighter. You’re freer. You can focus on better things. Less means you can travel more quickly. You spend less time with stuff, and more time doing stuff.

Less is more sustainable, more beautiful.

Life is better without stuff.