The diet of a moto traveler


Travel on an adventure bike, often off road, is tricky, challenging and our body has to be fit and healthy, and nutrition plays an essential role in our well-being.
There aren’t shortcuts, we need to work hard to be healthy and fit, but trust me, it's worth it.


If we look on social networks or TV, we will only see healthy, physically fit and happy people. If instead we look out of our window we will see sad people, certainly not physically fit and often overweight. Why?
In nature, we find foods that are hydrated, rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. In the supermarket, on the other hand, we often find dehydrated foods, poor in vitamins and minerals and rich in calories. This is because the natural and processed food have a different energy density; the processed food has much more calories for the same quantity.
By my experience and from all the studies I made on nutrition, I strongly recommend to eat only natural, whole food. Here my advises:

  • Calculate your calories, go to a professional or roughly multiply your current body weight in pounds by 12 to determine the number of calories you should eat.

  • 5-6 small meals a day.

  • Vegetables, fruits and fish (white meat is allowed too), eggs. That’s where your calories should come from. Avoid processed sugar, bread, pasta, red meat, milk.

  • One gram of protein per pound of your body weight every day. Get 30% of your calories from fat meaning, to make these easier to count, convert them to grams. Since a gram of fat contains nine calories. The rest of your calories come from carbohydrates. To calculate these, subtract your fat calories and then your protein calories from the total. Protein and carbohydrates both contain four calories per gram.

  • Keep with you protein powder, a good and natural one.

  • Drink tons of filtered water.

    If you can’t recognise something, don’t eat it. If possible, eat raw food. Fast one day a week (I’ll write a post on this subject). Stay lean, stay fit, stay healthy. Fat people live a life of hardships. The fitter you are, the easier it is to stay fit. Whereas the more you deteriorate your body, the harder it is to come back, and claw your way back to a baseline. It requires heroic acts.

    Stay fit, you matter. 

    Remember that you are what you eat.