Never stop playing


They say “don’t grow up, it’s a trap”, never were words more true.

We start getting older, when we stop paying, when we lose that sense of joy that only kids have, that kind of emotion that push you to jump from the bed to go to the football field, or for a ride on your bicycle, or just go with your mates to make some problems..

My elementary school teacher said I have some issue with focus, “attention deficit” she said, but the truth is I just wasn't interested in studying, I always wanted to play.

It was my blessing.

George Bernard Shaw said “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”, can’t agree more. Keeping alive the desire to play has allowed me to take life not too seriously, it has allowed me to cultivate the curiosity (one of the foundations in my business). I've practically spent my life playing with everything. Sometimes I got hurt, but even that, and above all that, helped me grow.

But guys, stop playing small. It’s an insult to the force that created you. To embolden yourself, associate with bold people and please… Dream big! If your dreams are not bold, daring, and a little frightening, well then they are not dreams.

I don't feel like a mature person, I am a responsible person. I leave maturity to those who have the time to understand it, I remain a child, and I continue to play.