My framework to be in good shape


Have been asked many times how I can keep my body in a good shape while travelling the world on an adventure bike. My answer is quite always the same: commitment.
Being a full time traveller sometimes would be tricky, no need to tell that is not easy to eat clean everyday or have a good workout when you are in the middle of nothing. Be clear on it: constancy has the best reward for your body, energy, your mood and soul. Maybe, as you get older, the fire burning in your belly may dim, or maybe you don't make your health & fitness a priority. Let me give you how I divide my commitment in three main part, here’s my framework:

NUTRITION see also this post

✔️No Dogma: I know what foods work best for my body so I go for it eating slowly and building awareness.

✔️ Proactive: I take the time to meal prep, I have a game plan when eating out, and snack smart to avoid over eating.

✔️ I track food macros and calories & I drink intake.

MOVEMENT must read it

✔️ I find ways to move more, avoiding sitting as much as I can, and make being active a part of my lifestyle. I love HIIT, stretching and strength workout.

✔️ I combine smart strength training with quality movement to stress my body in the right ways. HIIT twice a week. This will both build strength and boost my metabolism.

✔️I practice as much as I can some activities that I enjoy doing like tennis and swimming. It’s far easier to get moving when you want to move.


✔️ Get Clear: Why do you want what you want? Get clarity on your why and consistent action will follow.

✔️ Sleep well: I optimize my sleep with a specific night time routine (I use iPhone bedtime).

✔️ Manage Stress: breathing, yoga, meditation, walking, or nature to manage stress.