
In Morocco one more time

You already know that Morocco is now an addiction to me so I’m actually travelling here again on a very extreme adventure trip on my KTM 690 enduro R.
Morocco is the essence of everything I love about travel.
Started from Tangier and crossed zig zagging the country till the Algerian border, went in the Atlas mountains and played on the Merzouga sand with the infinite engine of my 690R. I travel most of the time on a single track which is absolutely the funniest way to enjoy the nature and the real spirit of adventure.

Most of the time I end up in the middle of notwhere, sometimes I find small villages where I can have delicious food and maybe spend the night in a family hotel for less then $20 (breakfast included). Is common here to be hosted by families, see this post. Moroccan are super friendly and always ready to give some help in a way or another. In this 5 weeks trip I had flat tire twice, an out of gas (on a remote mountain) and minor problem on the bike due to a small crash in the sand. Have had all the proper assistance from locals and… some free tea. I love to interact with locals which is for me the best part of the journey. On my 10 years on the road and 72 countries I had so many experiences with locals and let me tell you, people are amazing all over the world. I’ve had only good experiences (excluding a couple of occasions where I got into trouble, but maybe we'll talk about that in another post).

A flat tire.. that’s a part of the game

Morocco has variety and an exotic feel that has fascinated travellers since long before the modern traveller arrived. Morocco is the dream destination for adventurers. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and head out to experience the majestic Sahara Desert. Ride and adventure bike through the shifting sands of the tallest dunes of Morocco, marveling at its untouched beauty. I’m in paradise. Wow. Just wow. If you’re a lover of serious adventure riding, Morocco is your place.

There are not many places in the world where you can ride from amazing twisty mountain passes to the best desert dunes in few hours. I enjoyed the breathtaking and inspiring landscape in the Atlas, then head into the Sahara desert where I spent my nights in the desert tent.

Out go gas in the middle of nowhere

Spectacular landscapes, clear skies and… the colours. That’s Morocco.

Oh! Never waste an opportunity to entertain the children

I do not travel (always) alone


Central Morocco, found a guy with his bike. One minute and we are friends, and now we travel together for a while. Same old story, we are travellers.
We got lost in the Atlas mountains, central Morocco. But a beautiful berber family hosted us.. here’s a small video of our journey.
Thank you Saad, you rock. Maybe one day we will ride together again, Inshallah.

Tifnit, another Moroccan pearl

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Riding my bike on the desert sand along the south coast of Morocco, 50 miles south of Agadir, I discovered this small fishing and surfer village.
I then decided to stop for lunch here and I met Mohamed, a gentleman who runs a small beach restaurant for over thirty years.
Mohamed made me delicious grilled sardines and a fantastic Moroccan salad which I ate in front of the ocean.
As always, when you get lost you come across wonderful places like this.

Chefchaouen, the beautiful blue

“The special appeal of Chefchaouen goes beyond its prime mountainside location. Travelers are fascinated by the surreal impression it leaves. The facades of its houses are painted blue and white, so that the whole city appears to be drenched in azure.” from - and I can’t agree more.

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Chefchaouen is much more than just a pretty face. I spent here a couple of days and it worth every single second, the blue city is something magical. Getting lost in its narrow streets in the midst of the beautiful houses all painted in blue is extraordinary, sipping a tea in the square in front of the casbah is mandatory.

Chefchaouen is a must for travelers and also a paradise for hikers. The surrounding mountains are full of tempting walking trails. Choose any of them and discover an entirely different, remote side of Morocco: the Rif Mountains.

I’m in love with Morocco, that’s not a secret, is the 4ᵀᴴ time here but I’ve never visited this pearl, the "Little Blue City", something incredible.

The magic of Morocco

It is not new that I am in love with that wonderful land that is Morocco. I've already visited it twice with my bike from top to bottom crossing its deserts on a solo motorbike journey and visited its coasts and its magnificent cities and villages.

Last week I decided to take a flight and spend a week in this incredible land and once again be able to savour its culture and its ancient traditions. Had some joyful days guys..
Here are some photos of my days in the wonderful Morocco.