Another adventure is coming up

My bike, the KTM 1290 Super ADV R “La Poderosa” is still waiting for me in Lima, Peru, in the workshop of the KTM dealer, Socopur, who I will never cease to thank for the immense help given during Peruvian trip and my accident last January (this post). 
Then came this fucking (or faking is more appropriate) virus and I couldn’t longer resume my journey, so I took the opportunity to take a long vacation here in Italy, have time to fix the broken shoulder (thank you very much my amazing physiotherapists) and do a lot of enduro training with the new 450EXC with some cool guys.
But time is ticking and I need to travel like I need oxygen, and so I go for it before they close down everything in this general madness where the world seems to have lost all forms of critical thinking.
In my garage there is now another KTM, the 1290 Super ADV S “Katy” and now, waiting to be able to return to South America, I have decided to go for another adventure; here my plan for the next three months.

Try to reach Dakar, if this f*****g virus will let me

Try to reach Dakar, if this f*****g virus will let me

The new plan after France and Spain lockdown

The new plan after France and Spain lockdown

I am writing this post from the seat 5A on board a flight that takes me back to Italy, just noticed that France and its gerontophile President has decreed a new lockdown. This changes my plan and I therefore decided to take a ferry in Genoa and head directly to Tangier - Morocco, skipping France and Spain (which I have already visited many times). As usual, I’ll ride most of the time off-road, the Metzeler Karoo 3 are ready and waiting the bike in Genoa where I have the check control and change tires.
I’ll try to keep you all informed on my routes in the hope there is a chance of having a beer together, if you don’t drink beer we can’t be friend!
As you know, I avoid big cities and riding almost always off-road and very often inventing roads.. It's just my style.
I will have to do the RT-PCR test at Covid before crossing any border, that’s the worst part, in the hope that there are no other lockdowns, in this case I will have to stop for a while.
Tips and advises via Telegram here .
You know I travel light and minimal and for this adventure I decided to go even lighter, thank you Touratech, I love you.
For the occasion, I’ll wear a special Brema suit and… a bit more, but this is a surprise.
I travel alone, as always, but I’ll share a part of my journey with…. surprise, stay tuned

Time is ticking, bike is ready, just few days...

Never trust a spider


I was joking, as usual. My penis doesn’t need an enlargement (at least I've never received a complaint), I do not need to remove a third testicle and I’m very happy with my sex.

You maybe know that last year I was bitten by a fucking spider in South America which almost killed me.. see this post

Well, few weeks ago I had some problems due to a medical check I periodically do, something went wrong on my lymphatic system. Yes, I god a sweet memory from the spider, he loved me so much leaving his gift on me..

I’ve had to remove some glands. This is my year guys. Definitely.

Now I’m fine, ready to travel, because another incredible adventure is coming up.
Stay tuned…

P.S. thanks you all for your invaluable contributions, as you know I always joke.

My rules


I love lists.
Every night before sleep I write a short To-Do list of 4 or 5 things I have to accomplish the next day.
It’s a small secret I’ve learned by one of my mentors (he use to say “don’t work hard, think more”) and I have to say that he was right, it works. Really. I have a list for everything: nutrition, fitness, business.. It works!
I don’t want to live life just spinning my wheels and putting out fires. That’s why I pre-determine my top priorities for each day and I write these down on my to-do list.

I also have list of my rules, the ten thing that really matter to me.
Here’s my list:

1. The most important thing in life is to know why you do what you are doing.

2. When you have the vision, delegate everything to the best people you can find.

3. Listen, think and let your results speak.

4. Act as if it were impossible to fail.

5. No excuses, the responsibility is always and only yours.

6. Look for the essential, 99% of everything will be lost.

7. Always take risks, break the rules, the forces of the universe will be coalesced in your favor.

8. Do not indulge yourself with karma, it is a patient creditor.

9. Remember the scale of values: time, people, money, things.

10. If you must, hit first. Strong.

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap

free cheese.png

The only free cheese
is in the mousetrap

There are people who are always waiting for the chance of a lifetime, the stroke of luck, the lottery ticket. They are not willing to pay the price of sacrifice. But they are and remain losers.

If you want something you have to fight for it and pay the right price, the only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

Everything in life has its price and you have to be prepared to pay the right price.

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

If you want to travel you have to pay the price of solitude, the risks that solo travel entails and be ready for all the inconveniences that arise every day. Yes, every day something crops up.

Did I already tell you that there are some drawbacks every day?  Yes, every day something crops up

Did I already tell you that there are some drawbacks every day?
Yes, every day something crops up

If you want to be fit, you have to pay the price for the right nutrition and the hard workouts you have to undergo. If you want to be financially free, you have to spend time and efforts to get all the informations you need, maybe a help from a mentor so you don't end up working eight hours a day for a low salary.

There is also a negative price which is mega expensive. I.e. if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, the future price probably will be a cancer. Same with alcool, drugs etc.

Whatever you want, you pay the price. In a way or another.

Last posts

Get Fit like a pro

Being superfit is the key, period.

Travelling alone on a maxi enduro, dirty, full loaded bike and most of the time off-road requires some preparation; mental and physical. Let’s talk about the physical one, and I’ll tell you why.

When you are superfit, you are strong and flexible and you have a better quality of life, mindset, mood and.. much better sex. No shortcuts man, when you are in perfect physical condition your metabolic rate is higher, you need less sleep, you have an higher stamina level and much more energy. Your testosterone goes naturally up and you become a “blessed magnet”. Everything in your life is better.

I’m 50, and I look like 35. Why? Because I’m lucky? Because on genetic? Bullshit!
I’m exactly like you.
I look much younger only because I strongly love myself and because of my iron discipline. I’ve had so many accidents riding enduro bikes, 12 fractures and several muscle - ligament injuries. Despite all this, I continue to push myself to be fit. No, super-fit.

Some tips by my personal experience.

First of all, getting up early in the morning. Yes, man. Forget the snooze button on your iPhone and get up! Jumping out of the bed early (and with early I mean 5/5,30 AM) is not only an incredible competitive advantage for your growing process because most of your competitors are still sleeping, but getting up early is a great gift to give yourself. You get more time.

Then, hit the gym. Train every day. Don’t exercise, train! Exercise is for puppies and babies. We need to train! Train and find your best physical shape.
Find a mentor or a good Personal Trainer who can teach you the perfect technic to perform all the exercises you need. Avoid those PT who only show them up, with these ridiculous tattoos and Men's Health cover ABS, find one who really care about you and not himself. Just check his Facebook or Insta account and if the only thing you see is him showing up his muscles, skip him and find another one. He's just a poor guy who needs to feed his ego.
What you need is “Being strong to be Useful”. Also forget about those twats who go to the gym with shaved chest, who waste time measuring their muscles and looking themselves in the mirrors, they are just losers, we are playing in another category. Man up!
You must work with weights 2-3 times a week and do 2 HIITs a week (google it, it works). Become familiar with barbell, dumbbells, elastic band, kettlebells, jumping rope, squats, push & pull ups.
Keep your testosterone high, that’s the key. Don’t smoke, don’t drink too much alcool, throw the TV.
Man, you smoke? Really? Quit now!

Nutrition is a huge part of you path to be super-fit. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, find only natural whole food and of which you know the origins, tons of vegetables, large amounts of protein, and only low-glycemic carbohydrates. Avoid processed sugars, crap. Avoid “white” starchy carbohydrates (or those that can be white), this means white bread, pasta, potatoes, and grains. If you have to ask, don’t eat it. No fried food too.
Drink at least 4-5 liters of filtered water a day and sleep 7 hours.


Me at 50

Being fit is a must, fat people live a life of hardships, everything is harder for them. The only thing you can do for fat people is not to be one of them. Being fat is a choice, and we just choose not to be.

In a nutshell

1. TRAIN a lot. Hit the gym everyday, if you can’t, learn how to train on the way. Do it every single day man. You want a day off? you have to earn it, it will be your reward for something important that you have achieved. Like a pizza, that’s my prize.

Eat like a pro…

Eat like a pro…

2. NUTRITION. 5-6 small meals a day. To start, multiply your current body weight in pounds by 12 to determine the number of calories you should eat. Begin consuming one gram of protein per pound of your body weight every day. Get 30% of your calories from fat meaning, to make these easier to count, convert them to grams. Since a gram of fat contains nine calories. The rest of your calories come from carbohydrates. To calculate these, subtract your fat calories and then your protein calories from the total. Protein and carbohydrates both contain four calories per gram.
Drink tons of filtered water.

3. Rest. Sleep is when your body repairs itself. You can’t borrow it: lack of sleep during the week can’t be compensated with oversleeping on the weekend. Sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. If you can have a nap of 30 minutes in the afternoon, that’s cool.

4. AVOID alcohol. There may be some rare exceptions, but in general, alcohol (as well as other addictive substances) makes people less healthy. A couple of beer with friends I the weekend are fine. A glass or red wine too.

5. LIMIT stress. There are mental habits that help. It helps to believe that everything that happens is for the better. Generally not giving a shit also work. Spend some time in the nature makes life better.

6. Do NOT eat red meat. Eating seafood and wild-caught fish is fine, but farmed red meat is not. Do not listen to the mainstream in order of good quality of protein in the meat, bullshit. Just look the way they the raise and kill animals (growth hormones, fodder etc).

7. ELIMINATE toxic people. Avoid toxic and envy people at all cost and with all means. They just drag you down. Spend some time alone, that’s priceless.

Bolivia in my heart

One of the places I carry in my heart is Bolivia. I can say that I am one of the few to have visited this magnificent land far and wide, in all its different facets. From the Andean mountains to salt lakes, from deserts to the Amazonian side.
Bolivia represents something absolutely unique for its diversity, cultures and extraordinary naturalistic beauty. I spent a few wonderful months in this magical land and I will always carry with me the memories of the beauty of its places.
Finally, a big hug and a warm greeting to my many Bolivian friends, unique and wonderful people.

The magic of Morocco

It is not new that I am in love with that wonderful land that is Morocco. I've already visited it twice with my bike from top to bottom crossing its deserts on a solo motorbike journey and visited its coasts and its magnificent cities and villages.

Last week I decided to take a flight and spend a week in this incredible land and once again be able to savour its culture and its ancient traditions. Had some joyful days guys..
Here are some photos of my days in the wonderful Morocco.

The spider

I was traveling in the north Chilean desert where I spent the night in a small fishing village. The village, if it can be called that, was made up of some shacks made of wood and sheet metal, there were straw mattresses where you could lie down. About twenty seasonal fishermen live there.


The fisherman Chilean village


My face when I realise I will survive…


This is the guy… Mr. Atrax

During the night I felt particularly cold, there is a strong temperature difference between day and night in the desert (just typed dessert then corrected to desert, it’s evident I am hungry…), so I got up to put on the motorcycle jacket; bad news, there was an Atrax spider inside the left sleeve. I didn’t noticed it.
Bad, very bad.
After a few minutes, I began to sweat, chills throughout the body, symptoms of being sick and vomiting. I was immediately rescued by some fishermen who immediately understood what the problem was, the spider had bitten me on the left elbow which was rapidly swelling. Once again, I was in trouble.
The fishermen were so kind and they insist to take me to the hospital, it was essential to take me immediately to the military hospital in Antofagasta where I could receive the necessary treatment. The old fishermen's pick-up was a wreck and did not seem suitable to take me to the 100 miles desert road to get to the hospital.
No hesitation, I decided.  Jumped on the bike and hit the road, God is with me.
Have ridden full throttle praying not to faint and not to fall. I was cold and sweating a lot as I felt the fever rising.

Thanks to some saint in heaven I arrived unharmed at the military hospital where I literally passed out at the concierge. I was carried by arms by some paramedics to a room where they injected me with substances whose characteristics I prefer to ignore.
The doctors once again called me crazy for riding in those conditions and a very lucky guy for arriving at the hospital on time.


Ready for injection

I spent 2 days at the hospital, the first was terrible, some infinities hours wore on vomiting most of the time. The third day I finally left the hospital, went to a fancy hotel and enjoyed few more days at the spa, deserved.

You all know how positive I am and always try to face any situation with optimism, but sometimes is very hard.

Anyway, as from now you can call me Spiderman.

That horrible day in Peru

24 January, I was in a small mountain village called San Fernando at 4.000 meters above sea level, 9 hours from Cusco and 6 from Abancay. Have spent the night in a sort of dirty attic, in a straw bed, right above the restaurant (if you can define it that way) whose owner was kind enough to host my motorbike. Yes, my bike was parked inside the restaurant, between the tables.. this is also Peru.

A frugal breakfast, quick check on the bike and go, following the call of adventure. Another incredible day is heading out. This is just what I thought.

But my destiny has a different plan for me that day.


The last picture before the crash…

Along a mountain mule track, at over 4,000 meters above sea level, I slipped on a mud, losing control of the bike and ruining the ground. A stone under the mud hit my shoulder and broke my collarbone.

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Into a Peruvian ambulance with this angel, Sofia, who took care of me all the time since we finally reach the “hospital”.

She was very compassionate and I particularly appreciated that she gave me injections and patiently cleaned the needle of the syringe, they had no new syringes.

Yes, I repeat, this is Peru.

I launched the SOS thanks to my GPS Garmin inReach and after 2,5 hours someone shown up to rescue me. I was totally exhausted, unable to properly walk, I could barely breath.
The first aid was really surprised to see me injured, here people die by falling with the car in the precipices..
After 7 hours in the ambulance on Peruvian mountain paths with very deep ravines (I was terrified on those terrible street) we finally arrived at Abancay where I had X-ray which took 5 hours..
For an européen guy, calling it a hospital was an understatement, I don't know how people in those conditions can be treated. Doctors do not took care of me at all and some chickens in the emergency room helped me make another decision.
I decided to rent a private car and reach a private clinic in Cusco, another 4 hours.

Yes, I’ve drunk some Red Bull..


My poor shoulder, the bone was totally out of his place…

In Cusco I finally found a proper medical staff, they suggested a surgical operation but, after a day of rest of which I was in great need, I decided to return to Italy and undergo the necessary medical treatment at home.

This guy saved my life, never travel in a remote areas like I do, without a tool like this. If you travel out of urban areas, you have to keep an SOS GPS with you. I use Garmin which IMO is the best but there are several in the market.

Take one. It’a a must!

After some very difficult flights with crazy connections due to the f*****g Chinese virus, I finally landed in Venice, Italy, here my best friend was waiting me at the airport.

Tyson ❤️


Thank you to the medical staff in Cusco, you are amazing guys.

You have been understanding, humane and very nice. I hope to meet you again but on more pleasant occasions..

🇵🇪 I still love you

Never waste an opportunity to have some fun…

Never waste an opportunity to have some fun…

Some memories from South America

Just came across some pictures I took in South America last year, here’s a short video footage, hope you will like it.

Here the pictures of that expedition.

Discovering Slovenia

Have just spent a week among the beautiful streets of Slovenia and I’m impressed of the numbers of incredible views I’ve found.
I visited Slovenia 5 years ago when I performed my Europe offroad tour (which took 3 yers) but on that occasion I could only see woods, forests and some dirt roads because my goal was to visit deeply all the countries of Europe without touching the asphalt, and I did.
This time was a bit different, I rode the 1290S and… see the pictures and you’ll understand…

The majestic of the Dolomites

Hi guys, has been almost 6 months since I’ve broken my shoulder in a bad off-road accident in Peru. Took the opportunity to spend some time in Italy with my family and work hard to fix my shoulder (physiotherapy helps a lot).. I can’t be stuck at home so I bought another bike, a KTM of course, the 1290 SuperADV S model and now I’m travelling in Europe on-road (I’ll be back off-road in few months, depend on my physical conditions).

My shoulder is getting better day by day, now I’m at 56,7% of my potential 😰.. Have spent 2 weeks in the beautiful Dolomites, here some pictures..